Tips On Organizing Your Business

You probably don’t want to hire a cleaning company to tidy up your office space.  But you can join with your employees and have a “clean up/decluttering” day.  Allow everyone to come to work dressed for cleaning.  Your business can remain open and you can have fun using everybody’s ideas to get the job done.


When you step into your storage room, do you feel like screaming? Are there boxes everywhere and nothing is labeled? Then you need to organize.


Divvy up the assignments. Have 3 trash bins and label them:  Keep, Toss, Trash!  Have everyone clean up their personal spaces first. Then tackle the “community property” storage shelves. Decide what types of storage bins would work in your storage room. Plastic works great as does color.


For example, all paper products in blue bins, all writing products in green bins, and specialty items in red bins. Suggestions lead to brainstorming which leads to a tidy supply room.


All holiday decorations should have their own bin. This makes it easier when it’s time to decorate.

If you run out of room, it might be time to invest in some added shelving.  You will be surprised how a group of co-workers can tackle a job like organization and get the job done in less than a day.


When you’re finished, N&A Commercial Cleaning will come in and add the final touches. The floors can be washed and polished so much faster when everything is off the floor. Shelving can be dusted, and windows and countertops can be free of debris allowing the N&A Commercial team to finish your remarkable storage room makeover.


Enjoy your day and remember, when your office needs cleaning, or bathrooms need sanitizing, call N&A Commercial Cleaning for the best job in town.
