Keeping the workspace clean is very important. Letting the office get dirty does not reflect well on the business you run and your employees. By cleaning the office, you avoid dirt build-up, dust bunnies, window smudges, and most of all, germs that cause sicknesses. A daily or weekly cleaning should do the trick in eliminating any of these unsightly and harmful issues. At N&A Commercial Cleaning, all you have to do is give us a call, and we’ll be ready to clean.
Two areas of the office you want to prioritize to stay clean and disinfected are the kitchen and break room. The environment where your employees eat should always stay as clean as possible. Germs on surfaces where food is stored and prepared are sure to cause sicknesses. The last thing people want is a cold or illness that keeps them from meeting their deadlines and getting their work done.
With a weekly or daily cleaning, your office kitchen and break room will be kept clean. Any surfaces will be wiped free of food mess and any harmful allergens. Along with sinks and countertops, drawer handles will also be sanitized. Lastly, we will make your floor sparkle. Your employees will greatly appreciate a clean kitchen and break room. After all, that is where they get their coffee, eat their lunch, and grab a snack.
At N&A Commercial Cleaning, we provide janitorial supplies to our customers. So when we aren’t there to clean for you, you can use our supplies for a quick wipe down. If any spills happen in the kitchen and break room, you’ll have the necessary equipment to clean it up, and when you need to quickly disinfect the kitchen, you’ll have the right supplies.
With a clean break room and kitchen, your employees will feel less overwhelmed. Not only can we clean those rooms, we can also clean the whole office. At N&A Commercial Cleaning, we understand that everyone has a schedule. That’s why we do all we can to be available for our valued customers when they need us. Looking for a weekly or daily cleaning of your workspace? Call us at 407-734-1728 for a free estimate.