Eight Places Dirt and Germs Hide in Your Office Kitchen and Break Room

Eight Places Dirt and Germs Hide in Your Office Kitchen and Break Room

Kitchens and break rooms are breeding grounds for germs and bacteria such as E coli, salmonella, listeria, mold, and yeast. Good kitchen hygiene is necessary for the health and wellbeing of everyone who comes through. Creating a cleaning schedule can help ensure that all parts of the kitchen and break room are cleaned at the proper frequency, and placing it in a visible location for all employees to help as they are able is ideal. There are eight extra dirty areas of your kitchen and break room that could harbor germs: dishcloths and sponges, sink, garbage disposal, refrigerator drawers, can openers, and countertops.


  1. Dishcloths and sponges are responsible for scrubbing dishes and frequently encounter some nasty germs. To keep those germs from spreading, regularly replace sponges or disinfect them by boiling them for at least 5 minutes or using a bleach and water solution.


  1. The sink holds all those dirty dishes and utensils, so they can gather as many germs as a sponge. To help reduce germs in the sink, use baking soda paste to scrub the sink, spray with vinegar, allow to sit for 20 minutes, and then wipe out the sink with paper towels and dispose. For faucets and handles, use a mild detergent solution and dry thoroughly.


  1. Garbage disposals can be difficult to clean. The best way to avoid germy buildup and odors is to put one half cup of baking soda into the disposal followed by one cup of white vinegar and allow it to sit and foam for a few minutes. Then pour boiling water down the drain to help kill germs and wash away anything sticky that might remain.


  1. Refrigerator drawers tend to be out of sight and therefore out of mind in office kitchens and break rooms, but they can also harbor germs. Regularly check drawers for foods that need to be disposed of and wipe with disinfectant wipes.


  1. Can openers are exposed to many things, and it is rare that anyone thinks to wash them. The easiest way to clean one is to put it in the dishwasher with a regular load of dishes. If you don’t have a dishwasher in the breakroom, let it soak in a hot water and mild soap solution for a few minutes and wipe it down as best you can.


  1. Kitchen counters are always in contact with dirty dishes, food, and people. The biggest mistake people tend to make when cleaning kitchen counters is using the same sponges used to clean the dishes. This can increase the spread of germs around the area and make it more likely that someone will become ill. It is better to use disinfectant wipes to clean counters and other hard surfaces.


  1. Emptying trash bins regularly should be the easiest to do but is often overlooked. Any time there is food trash in a bin, it needs to be removed to avoid germ buildup and odors in the workplace.


  1. Properly clean and store utensils and appliances that have been used. Wash with hot soapy water, dry thoroughly, and put away in a cool, dry place for best results.


Does this sound like more than your office can handle? Our team of experts at N&A Commercial know where germs hide and are happy to eliminate them for you. We know that a clean and hygienic workspace is essential to health and wellness as well as productivity. For more information on how we can help your office maintain a clean and hygienic workspace, contact us for a free cleaning estimate.


